Welcome Back by Spider :: Sep 21, 2024 9:50 AM

Hello and welcome back to Robotskull.com. The domain was rescued from squatters after many many years by Hanzo.

The website itself probably won't ever come back like it used to be.

However, you can join the private Robotskull discord server - an admin will grant you access to all the channels eventually

Coherent Thoughts by JohnnySizzle :: Feb 12, 2025 1:42 PM

I should change my login to "How far did I stoop?" I am goings to adds to this later, but for nows, be kind to your pets and remembers to cut the powers to their penii and vaginal interfaceses and Bob Barker's too. So to you, I say that I will never abuse the patrons of RS again as I have. I wouldnt forward you one ounce of trust after this passage of events. I would not, and neither should you... Im ripe for confession... what else? You are a debtor to me for your insoucience. She's untrustworthy... I was impressed and as you can tell am still impressed... Very impressed. Fuck off if you still got a stick in your ass.. She's all yers guys...